Monday, June 22, 2009


I crossed the finish line! Yay Rachel! It was ridiculously hot out, and I think pure will carried me thru the last 2 miles, but I can now say that I completed a half marathon. No plans on doing a full marathon, however. I think 13.1 miles is my body's limit. One year ago, I couldn't so much as run a mile without getting winded...and so I know I have come a far way. But I still have a ways to go before my body really accepts that I am going to be runner. Next year, I want to improve my time by at least 10 minutes....if I can. I was in at 2 hours, 27 minutes (chip time, not gun time). I place a whopping 4000th out of a field of about 6000. It would have been better, but the last 2 miles were pretty rough.

Next up...Twin Cities 10k. They don't have a half marathon, and I could not talk my work buddies into the 10-miler. Anybody else interested? I think it sounds like a great way to put your foot in the water...and I hear the course is pretty challenging. I may have talked Jay into it...and maybe Rachel Thiele??? (Brian rocked at the full marathon by the way...I have no idea how he did it in the extreme heat!).

Here is a picture of me running the race. Notice my hot body. This when I pulled away from the rest of the pack to win the race.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Where have we been???

Ummm...we have been here, just not updating our blog. I am addicted to facebook now, and have ignored my poor ol' blog.

Quick updates on our life:
1. Sod is in. Huge event in my life. Seriously.
2. Gus is potty trained (sort of).
3. Berit has her dance recital this weekend. And is busy playing soccer and t-ball this summer. She is the only girl on the T-ball, and has a few issues with that.
4. Grandma's half marathon is in 1 week. I will cross that finish line...
5. My sister is preggers....again!
6. I need a vacation. Any suggestions?
7. I love cold-pressed coffee, with vanilla and cream...from Dunn Brothers. Seriously...I crave it every single day. I love it more than beer, maybe.

Okay...gotta run. My kids are scavenging the cabinets, and who knows what they may find. They eat my fiber bars...and guess what happens???

Friday, April 3, 2009

Meltdown moment

Not as funny as the little boy high on whatever the dentist gave him...but I thought I would post a funny moment in the Hudson household. Gussie is trying to sing, but his sister takes over, and what evolves is a "minor" meltdown moment (we have many in our house!).

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pictures, anyone?

Okay, so I finally loaded all of the pictures from our many memory cards to this computer. It took hours!!! And so, in no particular order, I am going to share some of my favorites. Not alot new here...I just caught 2 students cheating today, and am quite distressed. Apparently it is my fault, and they are going to talk to the appropriate people about my unfair treatment of students. Great...they cheat...and I get blamed. Great.

Okay...I'll stop sulking...and start loading photos. Enjoy!

Here is a picture of Mommy and Berit at christmas. Do you think we look alike?

Here is a picture of Daddy and you think they look alike?

Now, I know they look alike!

Everybody loves Bacca!

I don't know if anybody's family is like this...but my parents constantly try to get 4 squirming children to sit still for the "family photo". And this is the best one out of several!!!

Berit loves to skate!

Berit and Gus enjoying some cake batter and later on some cake on Gussie's birthday!
Berit and Ben sharing a holiday smooch!

My pretty princesses!

I love my sissy!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Treadmills and Tenure

So, of course, once again it has been awhile since my last blog. Even longer since I posted any sort of pictures. I'll fill you in quickly about the 2 major events that are occurring in our lives (or at least my life). And then later...hopefully this weekend yet...I will post some pictures of the kids.

The first: treadmills. I will be logging some serious miles on the treadmill this spring as I just received word that I got into Grandma's half marathon! After 26 years of standing by the side lines handing out water to mostly grateful runners, and 2 years of watching my sister and brother-in-law train and run the halfer, and after 8 months of dedicated work-outs, I have decided to fulfill a long time goal of mine: to run a marathon. it is only the half marathon, but to me, it might as well be 1000 I have never run so much as 3 miles in my life let along the 13.1 I will be trying to conquer in June! My sister and my cousin will be running right along with me...and because they both inherited the long, thin Sheasby legs (whereas I have been "blessed" with the short stout Dault legs), I have been working doubly (is that a word?) hard to train at a pace fast enough just to keep up! Right now the training is going well, not too difficult yet; but I know it will get hard fast.

Of course, in typical Rachel fashion, I have to make this conquest of mine represent more than it actually is. And so, while I am definitely challenging myself to achieve a long time goal, I also want this to serve a larger purpose. Still inspired by our President, I want to give something back. And so, I am going to donate $1 for every minute it takes me to run the half-marathon. For example, if it takes me 2.5 hours (which is what I anticipate it to take), then that will be 150 minutes, and so I will donate $150 dollars. I have decided to split my donations between Minnesota Public Radio (because education is empowering) and the YMCA (for the use of their equipment, the daycare they have provided to my children as mom worked out, and to help young children get the opportunity to take swimming classes and go to camp). My mother is also going to donate, but she will give her money to Project Read of the Falls. Hopefully more family members will do the same...

Onto "tenure". Today, I was offically tenured and am now a full professor. While probably not as big of a deal than say at a 4-year institution, this event represents 3 years of hard work, course preparation, new course creation, and 2 Faculty Excellence Awards that I have been lucky enough to receive. I was a little worried given our current economy and the major budget cuts MNSCU is facing. But, enrollment as increased at our school, in particular for those going into health Biology remains strong. In addition to that, Jay received a promotion at work. So things have been pretty good! We are congratulating ourselves by taking a ski-vacation to Park City (sans children!).

The kids are doing great. Berit is fantastic artist, and when I finally do load pictures, I will be sure to include a picture of the family she drew. I love the stage she is in, where people do not quite have necks yet. Gus is talking up a storm, peeing on the potty, and coloring all over our cream colored furniture with red chapstick. Thank god his dimples still melt my heart, or I may have shipped him off to military school!

That's it for now! More to come later.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day

Today is actually the day after his inauguration as our 44th pressident, but I am feeling retrospective and thinking alot about what transpired yesterday. I hope many of you were able to take in at least some of it, but I sat in front of the television all day and watched. I actually got pretty choked up when he was introduced. I made Berit and Gus stand up with me, and I taught them how to put their right hand over their heart. Berit chanted "Barack Obama...Barack Obama" with the crowd, while Gussie said "Rock my mama".

Later, Berit and I had a discussion about the color of his skin. She asked me why they called him "black", when he looks brown. I said that is what we call people with brown skin. I told her that we are called white, even though our skin is pink (to which she said, "actually mom, sometimes it looks yellow). I then told her that even though his skin is brown he is the same as you and I. To which she replied...that no he is not the same, he has brown skin, and so he does not "look" the same. I told her she was right (again), but that he is still the same inside. That he loves us, and wants what is best for us. That he can hug, and kiss, and cry, and laugh the same that we can. And that he is our president, and he wants little kids to be nice to their parents (I had to add that for effect). I think she understood, because when she went to bed, she told me she was almost going to cry. I asked her why, and she said because "she loves Barack Obama so much". That made me want to cry, for about the 100th time that day.

Man...we have come a long way. Maybe my three year old daughter will never judge a person as being "worthy" by the color of their skin, but as the great MLK, Jr. said, by the "content of their character". And maybe, as the poet Elizabeth Alexander stated in her poem read yesterday, "love" is the strongest of all words.

And to take one quote of many from a historical speech given yesterday: "The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness".

What an awesome day yesterday was. Our parents had JFK and MLK, Jr. We have this.

Friday, November 21, 2008

FINALLY! An update on what the Hudson's have been doing all Fall. We have had a very busy Fall, with house projects, work, and of course our trip to Disney. Disney was a blast! The kids had so much fun, and for Jay and I, it was just great seeing their reactions to everything. Berit loved meeting the princesses, and Gus has an infatuation with Donald Duck. The parades and the fireworks were probably my favorite part. Our resort was awesome, and we did manage to fit in a little time lounging around the pool. I am sure we will be taking a trip back soon with Grammie and Papa and Annabel and Ben. Here are some pictures and videos!