So it has been awhile since I last posted. Not surprised. Once a new semester starts, I get so busy and focused on classes, that all this fun stuff gets ignored. I don't know where the summer went, but boy did it fly by!
Things are moving along at a snail's pace with the house. It is painted (red), and I'll try to post pictures soon. Jay just finished up painting the trim in the bathroom, and is moving down to the living room now. The gutters go in next week (woo I really care about gutters, but apparently they are important). Hopefully our new railing along the stairway will get done soon. The pieces came in yesterday, so we need to paint it before Jeremiah, our hottie contractor, comes in to install it. I am sure it will be another dusty mess, but it should look great!
Classes are going really well. I love my schedule this semester (2 Environmental Scicences, 1 Microbiology, and 1 Human Body Systems). I do not start until 2 on Mondays and 12 on Thursdays, and I have Tuesdays and Fridays off! That means plenty of time to work out! I have really been good about getting to a gym and am starting to feel the results. I am discouraged that I haven't lost any weight, but I can tell I am firming up a bit. I was hoping to run in the Turkey Trot in Loman over Thanksgiving, but Jay is trying to get me to go to the Missouri/Kansas game in Kansas City. We'll see.
The kids are great. Berit is in dance, gymnastics, and swimming. She loves dance! I'll make sure I get some pictures of her in her unicorn leotard. Gussie and I take parent/child tumbling, and while he could care less about most things...he did a great job on the balance beam! He is learning to talk more and more, and, unfortunately, is even more destructive than ever! A few weeks ago, I went into the bathroom to find Berit and Gus smearing toothpaste all over each other and all over the walls. It took me a few days to get all of the gel washed out of their hair.
We are gearing up for our big trip to Disney World. Berit is so excited to see princesses, although I am not sure what she is going to think of the gigantic characters. We are determined to take them to the ocean one day as well...I think it is important that see it...even though they likely will not remember it. Apparently Annabel is very upset that Berit gets to go to Disney World before her. IT is not fair that she is 3 and Annabel is 5 and her parents still haven't taken her there. When my dad asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she told him that her parents were taking her to Disney. Not sure what Becky and Jason are going to do about that (although I will place all of my money that a trip will soon be planned!).
My parents took off for London and Paris yesterday. I am so proud of them to being so adventurous. Although I laugh at the thought of them trying to pronounce some the French words!
That's it from my end. Not a whole lot of exciting news. I'll post some updated pictures soon, but for now, enjoy a picture of these 2 yahoos!