Friday, November 21, 2008

FINALLY! An update on what the Hudson's have been doing all Fall. We have had a very busy Fall, with house projects, work, and of course our trip to Disney. Disney was a blast! The kids had so much fun, and for Jay and I, it was just great seeing their reactions to everything. Berit loved meeting the princesses, and Gus has an infatuation with Donald Duck. The parades and the fireworks were probably my favorite part. Our resort was awesome, and we did manage to fit in a little time lounging around the pool. I am sure we will be taking a trip back soon with Grammie and Papa and Annabel and Ben. Here are some pictures and videos!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today is the day! I have been a major slacker. I promise a huge update on Disney, including video of Berit meeting the princesses...Auroroa (Slipping Beauty as she calls her), Ariel, Pocahontas, Jasmine, Cinderella, and Belle. Huge event in her life.

My life has been preoccupied with this election. It is no secret that I am an all-out Democrat. I just believe so much in their (aka...let a women CHOOSE what to do with her body), anti-war (Iraq war anyway), pro-education, anti-drilling, and no more tax breaks for the rich. True, I cacaused for Hilary. I heart Hilary, even to this day. I mourned when she conceded to Obama. I was offended when John McCain thought any woman (aka Sarah Palin) was what we wanted...when in fact it was Hilary we wanted! I was not sure of Obama, only for the reason that I was so sure of Hilary. And then I researched. And then I listened. And then, of course, I was moved. Obama inspires. He inspires my students, who have lived on welfare all their lives and whose parents are drug addicts, to believe they can achieve. He inspires the old ladies at the YMCA to go out and knock on doors. He inspires people to volunteer, to give more, and believe that they can make a difference. This man can, and will, make a change that we need. So...of course I voted for him. He is elegant, calm, collected, intelligent, moving, and yes...a bit verbose (as am I). And now, I am sick to my stomach waiting for the results. I cannot imagine any alternative outcome. He just has to win!

Sorry if this offends. These are my thoughts, and I am sure many of you disagree. I guess that it what we Americans are so lucky to have...the freedom to disagree and the right to cast a vote. So...if you read this and haven't voted...go do it now!!! What an amazing and exciting moment. I really truly believe that some in the future, people will ask the question: Where were you when Barack Obama became president? And I bet we'll all remember! Knock on wood.